Alley Chat

Parties for grown ups at AMF NZ
As an adult, it's hard to choose between fun activities and the more typical understanding of what a 'grown up party' should be. At AMF you can have it all.
After dark bowling: The perfect start to your weekend
Everybody lives Friday, and when it comes to getting ready for the weekend, nothing beats a spot of late night bowling at AMF. Read on to find out more.
4 classic cakes to bring to AMF
One of the best things about parties is cake, we all know this. At AMF, you can bring whichever type you like, but here are four of our favourite classics.

3 ways to celebrate your strike
One of the most important aspects of every good bowling game is the way that you celebrate your strike. Will you do the robot? Or something unique to you.

How to prepare for victory at AMF
Bowling is serious business, and nobody wants to lose. Here are three top tips from AMF to make sure that you're prepared and ready to rumble.

5 ways to up your bowling game
Bowling isn't actually as easily as it looks on TV. Here are 5 short and simple tips for improving your bowling game and adding a few strikes to your card.

Get Your Ol Skool Game On

DIY birthday cake inspiration
Making the cake yourself for your child's birthday can be an intimidating task, so check out our cake inspiration for techniques that anyone can do.
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