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Is my ball too small?

What size bowling ball?

If you organise a party or you get invited to have some fun and go bowling, it can be confusing to know which ball is best for you. If you don't have a bowling ball of your own, you'll be looking at all the balls on the racks at the bowling centre, wondering which one to choose. Small and light or bigger and heavier? What makes more sense? Bigger is better but only up to a point and past that point the extra weight becomes a problem instead of a help. Weight helps knock down more pins but too much weight and the ball is really hard to throw with any accuracy. 

Who is stronger - the Beetle or the Gorilla?

Pick Up A Ball

One of the strongest animals in the world is the Rhinoceros Beetle. It can lift 850 times its own weight.  That's like you being able to carry everyone at your school in your backpack. As humans, we don't have anything like that strength. Even the strongest of our close relatives, the gorilla, can only lift ten times its own weight. So, while it can seem like a great idea to use the heaviest bowling ball on the rack, we need to choose a ball that is easy for us to lift and throw without straining our wrist and arm. 

When is BIG too big?

If you feel any discomfort when you lift the ball in one hand, you need to choose a lighter ball. Also, the spacing of the finger holes on the ball is important. If they are spread further apart than feels comfortable, check out another ball. 

Can A Bowling Ball Be Too Light?

If you want to make a strike, knocking pins down in every direction, some weight really helps.

Here is the answer to how to choose your ball: very simply, your ball should weigh roughly 10% of what you weigh, with a minimum ball weight of 2.7kgs up to a maximum of 7.25kgs. 

 Bowling Ball chart

So the best advice is try out a few different options - the team at your local AMF bowling centre will be happy to give you some friendly advice and help you choose the perfect ball for you.

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